Elegant Stargazer Lily Bouquet - $75
Discover the delicate beauty of our Elegant Stargazer Lily Bouquet, a stunning yet affordable option that brings the allure of Stargazer lilies to your home or office. This arrangement features a selection of radiant Stargazer lilies, carefully accented with lush eucalyptus and accent flowers. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is presented in a charming glass vase, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance without compromising on quality.
Majestic Stargazer Lily Arrangement - $90
Experience the captivating charm of our Majestic Stargazer Lily Arrangement, designed for those who seek a touch of luxury. This impactful-sized bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of vibrant Stargazer lilies, complemented by a mix of seasonal pink and white blooms, such as roses and snapdragons. Nestled in a stylish ceramic vase, this arrangement adds a sophisticated flair to any room and is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or to simply brighten someone's day with a memorable floral gift.
Opulent Stargazer Lily Display - $150
Indulge in the ultimate floral extravagance with our Opulent Stargazer Lily Display, a grand arrangement that exudes luxury and elegance. This premium bouquet features an abundance of exquisite Stargazer lilies, artfully arranged with a selection of premium flowers, including flowers such as 60cm roses & peonies. Housed in a magnificent vase, this statement piece is perfect for significant celebrations, weddings, or as a breathtaking centerpiece that leaves a lasting impression. Designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life, this arrangement is a testament to the beauty and sophistication of nature’s finest blooms.
At Blossom Boutique, we take pride in creating exquisite floral arrangements that cater to all tastes and budgets. Each Stargazer Lily arrangement is thoughtfully crafted to bring joy and beauty into your life, making every moment special.